Portland Parks Conservancy

Invasive Plants Poster Series

Portland Parks Conservancy volunteers had long been removing invasive plants from public parks when a post about their work went viral. The high interest around the story helped the Conservancy discover that many local landowners wanted to rid their properties of invasives–but didn’t know how.

This poster series raises awareness of invasive plant species common to the Northeast U.S. as well as the Conservancy’s ongoing efforts to safely, effectively remove them from Portland’s parks.

Isolated images of leaves, berries, and flowers work in tandem with large full color photos to aid identification. Different color palettes for each poster distinguish the species–to the untrained eye, it can be hard to discern one green plant from another. The posters were made available in print and on the organization’s website with further information about each species and organic removal methods.

Multiflora Rose Invasive Plants poster affixed on an urban graffiti wall

The circular logo focuses attention and aides in quick identification of problem plants.


Branding & Logo • Essentials for Leadership


Volunteer Outreach Posters • Portland Parks Conservancy